Welcome to Moving Mountain Academy, where it is our great honor and joy to wholeheartedly support you to explore your own depth and fullness…
your vast potential as a human being on our beautiful planet Earth
your true heritage as spirit-being in human form
your primary belonging as earth-being, in community with all others
Joining together we create a new Earth, a sustainable, thriving collaborative of humans and all species, a new reality nurtured by a resurgent human consciousness in touch with its own true depths and sacred power.
Our purpose at Moving Mountain Academy is to be a container and community which inspires, encourages, and supports us all in exploring new ways of being and belonging in our world, which are both personally fulfilling and collectively beneficial.
We want to support any interested individual to dig deep into the rich soil of his/her true identity, in order to live and operate from their true depths and sacred power, and to serve the larger good from that place inside them.
When individuals grow and evolve, collectives grow and evolve. Mature individuals make mature societies. And mature societies support and further evolve its members, in the self-reinforcing circle of life.
Hafiz says :
The Mountain got tired of sitting,
amongst a snoring crowd inside of me
And rose like a ripe sun, into my eye